As You Like It

Artistic & Production Staff

DirectorLady Sofia Tyzes
Assistant DirectorLady Mica of Skye


DirectorLady Sofia Tyzes
Assistant DirectorLady Mica of Skye
OrlandoLord Hamish Mac Breandain
OliverLord Günther Feldahorn
Second BrotherCaelwulf
AdamPadraic O’Chaeleichair
RosalindTHL Gwendolyn the Graceful
THL Gwendolyn the GracefulSarah Christine
TouchstoneLord Accolon Shadowhawk
Duke FrederickLord Seafra Quincannon
CharlesDa Ogre
LeBeauLord Ragnar Ironhand
Second LordGunnar Thorvaldson
JacquesLord Gregor Burcardus, OW
Duke SeniorDuke Dagan du Darragonne
First LordLord Mikal Isernfocar called Ironhawk
Dennis/Second Lord Demetrious the Undecided
CorinLady Sheherazade Allouyna
SilviusGaston de Carolingia
PhoebeRhonwen glyn Conwy
AudreyKhrys Goette
Sir OliverDeavon
HymenAmiens Cunradus