Lysistrata | Lady Rhonwen glyn Conwy OM |
Calonice | Katerin ferch Gwenllian |
Myrrhine | Merlyn Von Bremen |
Lampito | Genofeva Gruber |
Stratyllis | Lady Pamelina of Avon, OM,OT |
Magistrate | Master Anton of Winteroak |
Lord Cinesias | Lord Accolon Shadowhawk |
Old Woman | Lady Pamelina of Avon, OM, OT |
Boetian Lady | Joan Vaeluse de Vellerquamada |
Corinthian Lady | Lissom of the Yurt |
Spartan Herald | Meister Frydherik Eysenkopf, OL |
Men's Chorus Head | Lord Jonathan Stone |
Man 2 (Men's Chorus) | Preston of Aschehyrst |
Man 3 (Men's Chorus) | Lord Eirik Bjarnason |
Women's Chorus Head | THL Gwendolyn the Graceful |
Woman 2 (Women's Chorus) | Lady Ciara |
Woman 3 (Women's Chorus) | Lady Moira of Malagentia |
First Woman | Sara |
Second Woman | Lady Pamelina of Avon, OM, OT |
Third Woman | Robina M’Baine of Willow Wood |
Fourth Woman | Lissom of the Yurt |
Fifth Woman | Lady Scheherazade Allouyna |
Spartan Ambassador 1 | Michael Colquhoun |
Spartan Ambassador 2 | Lord Magnus Ulfrik |
First Athenian | Lord Preston of Aschehyrst |
Second Athenian | Lord Eirik Bjarnason |
First Lounger | Joan Vaeluse de Vellerquamada |
Second Lounger | Sapphira the Navigator |
Porter | Tamsin of Mitgaard |
Nurse | Cadi |
Child | Adam |